In case of emergency, do not call me. Why? Because I'll have forgotten who you are, where I am, and I'll probably be asleep.
Pregnant disagrees with being busy. I have three subbing jobs this week, which is good because I won't be able to sub the last two weeks of this month. Yesterday was supposed to be a half day but ended up being a full day. This led to me forgetting about a student's voice lesson. Fortunately I remembered the other one and was able to cancel it in spite of the lack of professionalism on my part. I also ended up being 15 minutes late to the students lesson that I could make it to. I also ended up having to scrounge to eat all day because I didn't bring a lunch thinking I was going home. I got home at about 9:30 last night. I fell asleep by 10:30.
This morning I woke up at 10. Yep, that's nearly 12 hours of sleep. The baby likes sleep. TONS of sleep. I got about 7 hours the night before, but apparently that's not enough. So I had to compensate by sleeping for 12 hours. I woke up to an e-mail from a teacher I'm subbing for apparently today. Today when I was supposed to go hear the baby's heartbeat. After about 10 minutes of trying to get my phone to turn back on (it's kind of old and needs to be beaten with a hammer) I managed to call Andaluz to tell them I needed to reschedule. They were happy to oblige. It wasn't until after I got off the phone with them that I checked my messages to find out that my midwife was in a delivery today and she couldn't make it either and needed to reschedule for tomorrow. No wonder they were so happy to change it! Works out for me though and I only have to wait one more day rather than a week or weeks like I had anticipated. *phew*
So yeah, if you invited me to a party and I said I'd come...if I'm supposed to sing for you, be somewhere, do something for you... I apologize in advance because I am officially stupid and there's a pretty good chance I'll forget and double book myself or I'll just be sleeping.
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