Monday, March 21, 2011

Day to Day

Yesterday was a lovely day, in theory.

I've been trying to arrange to go get pedicures with my sister for awhile. I told her I'd take her for her birthday and Paul got me a gift certificate for christmas so I've been looking forward to it. I had literally nothing to do yesterday. The girl that I trade voice lessons for house cleaning came to clean so I didn't even have to do that! Yeah, spoiled.

I picked up a bit so she could vacuum and then drove out to Clackamas to pick up my sister. We were at the nail salon nearly 3 hours, which was fine with me. My toes turned out pretty and I was happy. I even got pretty flowers!

Afterward we drove to my house so my sister could try the leftover corn beef that I made from St. Paddy's. It's hella good.

Then we stopped at Bridgeport Village on the way back to Clackamas so she could look at Anthropologie, which was closing when we got there. We got back to my parents and I chilled for a bit before I went back home. I stopped at New Seasons on my way home to get a loaf of ciabatta bread, some goat cheese and specialty olives for dinner. I had a craving for olives and their olive bar is awesome.

When you summarize it this way, it was a great day! When you add in a pregnant hormonal undercurrent, it starts to get more hazy.

I kept wanting to fall asleep at the nail salon. My sister kept telling me she'd buy me a frostie at Wendy's if I stayed awake. I think the lack of moving for such a long period of time paired with the headaches I keep getting from over or under sleeping and the gray weather were the perfect cocktail for drowsy.

I feel like I've been around Paul too much and this was stressing me out too. I love my husband, but when you're around anyone beyond a point they really can't do anything that isn't annoying. I typically am able to avoid fights because I choose my battles by reasoning with my emotions mentally, but when I'm this hormonal it's much more difficult to bite my tongue. I'm turning into a bitch because I get irritated about literally everything he does. As a result we have been fighting over stupid things leaving me feeling desperate and lonely. We didn't fight yesterday, but I felt like I was avoiding being home to avoid arguing over something stupid.

Traffic was awful all day and this had me on edge. Some guy in the parking lot at Anthropologie was yelling at me through his closed windows because I was inching toward him as he was pulling out of his parking spot. I really have a hard time shaking it when strangers yell at me or flip me off. This has happened to me 3 times since I've been pregnant. I want to move on because I'll never see these people again, but the emotions keep lingering. I remember vividly the first two times like they just happened.

The last mental burden has to do with our house hunt. There's another row house that we could buy but it's not as good as the first one we looked at because it's not an end unit and thus will be more difficult to sell later. Other than that, it's exactly the same, and we could buy it and we'd be done house shopping and have a really nice place to live. That was stressing me out all day because I really don't know what to do about it.  It's hard to decide if a place that gives us a more comfortable daily lifestyle is worth the lower equity that we'd have later.

I chatted about this with my mom when we got to my parents. The problem is that talking it out isn't really helping to compel a decision either way, and usually this is how I process. I'm able to make up my mind pretty solidly on big decisions like this, but I really just don't know what to do and nobody's advice is really helping because they don't know what to do either.

Hopefully I'll be starting my long term subbing job in Washougal this week. The upside of this is that I'll have something new and important to focus on to take my mind off of the small things that I keep stressing about (like rude guys in parking lots or the way Paul cuts bread).

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