I think the baby dropped yesterday. This is also called lightening. It's when the baby's head sort of wedges into the opening of your pelvis to get ready for birth. Now is about when it's supposed to happen, but I haven't read about it in awhile so I wasn't expecting it.
I don't know for sure that it actually has happened, but my pelvis felt like I had sprained it and the top of my tummy feels extra pulled down. Before I could kind of choose not to waddle if I wanted to, now I don't have much choice. It made for some very difficult moving yesterday. The only time I didn't feel it hurting was during water aerobics.
Sleep is becoming more of a challenge. Normally I wake up 3 or 4 times a night to roll over from side to side. This is quite the ordeal. I have a body pillow that I wedge under my belly and between my legs. I usually hug it too. It's the only way I can sleep comfortably at all. When I roll over, the whole pillow has to go with me. This means I have to wake up enough to lift the blankets up, roll on my back, pull the pillow to my other side, and then roll on top of it. The sheets come up off the corners of the bed pretty much every night. Lately I've been having to do this more often and it takes more consciousness so it takes longer to go back to sleep. Perhaps this is preparation for the future?
I feel like we're in the home stretch now. Tonight is our last birth class. Next week prenatal appointments start happening weekly. The weekend after next is my birthday, the following weekend is our shower, the week after that is the last week of school (and thus my last week of teaching voice lessons) and then we hit the waiting game. My midwife suggested making plans with people right up until and even after the "due realm" so that I have things to distract me from the lack of labor I'm having. So... anybody want to make plans in June?
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