Sunday, July 24, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

It's been a long week. It's been really difficult with Paul working 12 hour shifts. I feel like a single parent. He gets home, eats dinner and then has to go to bed. It's been hard not getting irritated with his inability to help me with anything. I have the baby all day, plus the cooking, dishes, laundry, housecleaning, shopping, visiting, budgeting, etc... He doesn't require that I do it, but I do. It's impossible for me to sit and just feed Charlotte when she's hungry and take naps when my house is in disarray. So it's been hard.

Thursday Charlotte turned 1 month old. It's amazing how time flies. I took her to have her picture taken and I'm really looking forward to having some nice pictures of her finally. Yuen Lui sucks. Don't waste your money. Sears cost half as much and I got way more pictures and much better pictures. Since Thursday we've had people over, I've taken the baby to visit the Kinkley's, I took her to a wedding I sang for, we helped my grandparents move the last of their furniture and we went to dinner at my parents.

What's been the most challenging through all of this activity is improving my milk production. She's been getting more hungry and my milk hasn't been keeping up. So I've been having to feed her more frequently during the day. This means having to figure out her feedings around driving time, time I need to have her asleep, and times when there isn't a place to feed her or I have to be doing something. It's basically been do a thing, feed her, drive somewhere, feed her, do another thing, feed her, take a nap, feed her, eat some food, feed her.

The perks of being busy and trying to get the milk up have been nice though. If I'm not home, I'm not frustrated with my house and I don't rush feedings quite so much. I've also been having to drink dark beer. It's actually really nice to have a few ounces of beer before I go to bed for the night.  It's a lot of work, but the payoff has been really good. She's sleeping much better at night and she's getting easier to feed. We've worked our way from the recliner to the couch. I'm able to feed her and put her back in the swing and she goes right back to sleep. Paul's switching to graveyard shifts tomorrow so I'm going to start working on getting her to sleep in the co-sleeper this week. If all goes well, I'll get to sleep in the bed again! Huzzah!

1 comment:

  1. Not fun with Paul working so much! He must feel like a single parent too, working so hard for a baby he sees so little! I hope things even out for you guys soon.
