Thursday, January 20, 2011


The last two nights I've had these very complex epic dreams. The first one was like a fantasy novel. There were different cities that were all laid out, characters and creatures. It was like a book and a video game in one. Everything was so vivid and developed and I knew I had a specific task to complete, but when it finally came time for me to do it, I couldn't remember how to do anything or where anything was. I ended up wandering around a lodge trying to find the light switches and trying to work a remote I had that did special things. Characters showed up that I knew I was supposed to interact with and I couldn't remember what to say.

Last night my dream was about the bowling alley. I dreamt everyone quit except the managers and they needed me to jump in and help, but I was due any day. So I agreed to help but said that if I went into labor I'd have to leave. I ended up having my baby in a bathroom stall (so really it was more of a nightmare) and it was very premature. I was excited to see that it was a girl, but upset because it started to turn into a cat. I continued working while Paul walked around the bowling alley with the baby. The whole bowling alley was in overhaul with rooms being built into it and a bunch of stuff going on besides bowling. It felt more like a casino. Basically chaos. I had to run around cleaning things up and moving huge amounts of stuff left behind in hotel rooms. It started getting confusing because everywhere I'd go had changed somehow. Then I remembered to call my midwife about my baby, and I remembered all the things I had thought would happen when I delivered that hadn't happened. It was stressful.

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