Being pregnant and thus hormonal means that things irritate me that never irritated me before.
There's the usual things, like someone smacking their gum, cutting you off in traffic, or loudly talking on their cell phone while blocking the green beans in the grocery aisle that you could have gotten if they were able to hear you say excuse me over their obnoxious conversation. Perhaps this actually happened recently.
Then there's the weird things. Things that really no one should be irritated by. This is where pregnancy hormones come in. It's like I've turned into the incredible hulk and I have a sudden store of rage that was just waiting for a human leech to feed it's powers. PREGNANT LADY ANGRY!! PREGO SMASH!!
Rather than punching someone I thought it would be better if I just used my blog to vent about the various things that cause so much irritation. Number 1 on my list lately is
audible yawning. Something about it just stirs up the rage in me until I just want to punch it out of the yawner in question.

I'll admit my husband tends to fall prey to my irritability more than anyone else due to the fact that he's just around me more. Nearly every night I'm treated to an audible yawning concert. It's all I can do not to yell at him. At first I thought it was just him that annoyed me, but then felt the same pang of rage at a store when I heard someone yawn out loud and I realized it wasn't just my husband.

What really makes me mad is when I catch myself doing it. It's one of those things that you just do. It's like sneezing or breathing (also things that irritate me lately). Everyone does it a little different, but everyone does it and you can't really control when you do. So on a logical level I know that it is unreasonable to demand that all audible yawning be ceased in my presence. It's outrageous even. Especially considering I do it myself. But hormones will not be controlled in this state, so I will have to continue to endure my rage in silence. Because that is the only nice thing to do.
*I apologize for any profuse yawning induced by the frequent mention of yawning in this post*
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