I just got done watching a documentary that explains the key to "The Secret". It's interesting. Basically the secret to a happy life is to think positively about the things you want in your life be it stuff or people or whatever it is you want and to visualize those things. It's pretty simple really. I'm honestly impressed that they pulled a whole movie out of it.
I was thinking about this "technique" of sorts and it does make sense to a certain extent. Some things are just beyond our control, but positivity doesn't hurt. I tell my students all the time to take the time to visualize a perfect performance before they sing. This has worked for me in the past and I think it's a great technique. I can also see the effect of doing this in my own life. I have a Monster Wish List that I keep posted on the wall by my calendar and the bill stuff. I write down everything I want be it as small as a microwave or as big as a new house. In the last six months we have gotten the Honda Element that I figured would take at least 3 or 4 years for us to be able to buy, a new pair of good shoes, a bluetooth speaker for the car, new phones and a bowling ball.
I made this list probably the beginning of the summer. A house is on the list. We don't have one yet, but when I wrote it down I thought "ha, yeah right!" Now we're out shopping and the housing market is kind to our budget.
Another of the techniques is to take time to be thankful for what you have. I feel like I've been doing this more lately as things have been working out so well for us. It's easy sometimes to get dragged into how much things suck. Like, I could be focused on how bad my eye hurts right now from smacking it on a speaker while I was trying to plug in the PS3 I bought for Paul with some money I had saved up. I could also be focused on how stupid it is that I had to buy it in the first place considering our old one was stolen. But instead I think I'll be happy about the fact that I was able to scrounge up the cash to buy it for him. I will also be happy about the fact that I won't be getting too much flack for buying baby stuff too haha!
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