It just occurred to me that it's been a really long time since I've written a new blog. This is a shame because stuff has been going on!
First of all, I bought a breast pump yesterday. It's the Medela swing electric breast pump. I had a coupon for babies r us for 20% off an item so I got a good deal on it. It's only a single pump so I'll have to do one boob at a time. I figure I'll probably do most feedings directly but it will be nice to be able to pump for late night feedings, baby sitters, and for when I just need a break. I'm so amused that I bought it. It's one of those things that you definitely don't ever need unless you're having a baby and thus a clear first. I would have sprung for the fancier double pump but it would have been another $100 more, so I think I'll try to rough it out with the single.
I also got some baby detergent to wash all the baby things I have so far. It didn't really occur to me that I needed to wash everything before baby could use it until we visited our friends' newborn in the hospital. I really like the detergent because it smells so sweet, I just hope that our baby doesn't have any allergies or aversions to it.
I've been having some fun symptoms today. This morning my eyes kept going out of focus. I'm not sure if this is a side effect of pregnancy or if I was just tired. I've also been getting dizzy at random intervals. Yay!
I think I've finally reached my subbing threshold. I get calls usually 3 or 4 days a week to go sub, but I just don't want to. For one, if I sub on a day that I teach voice lessons I'm looking at 10-12 hour work days. For another, I have to reschedule my chiropractic appointments, and they get really booked up, so I end up missing treatments. My back just hurts too much to miss treatments. So, I just don't earn much right now.
The good news is that we did our tax return and found out that we'll be getting enough from our refund to pay for the birth center. This was something we were kind of depending on so it was a huge relief to have that work out. We're just waiting at this point for the money to appear in our bank account. We'll also have enough money left over to cover the rest of what we need to buy a house, now we just need to find one!
Hoooray for $ for the Birthing Center! I'm so excited to meet little Charlotte! Char? Charlotte? Nickname ok?