Monday, June 20, 2011

Estimated Due Date Myths

I posted this on my baby center board this morning:

Tomorrow is my 40 week due date. I basically cry on a daily basis at this point because of how horribly uncomfortable I am ALL THE TIME. I've literally tried everything to get this baby out. Sex, walking, epo, red raspberry tea, insanely spicy food, pineapple, bumpy roads, accupressure, chiropractor, excessive nipple stimulation etc... basically I've learned that she's not coming out until she's good and ready and these things really just make me more crabby and uncomfortable. Especially the spicy food.
I've read other threads that people have posted about being past their due date and everyone helpfully suggests "get a massage, go for a walk, watch a movie etc.." I do these things and some. I try to keep myself busy and distracted. But these things are so temporary. 
Yesterday I found the cure! Kittens. I spent the entire day yesterday playing with and cuddling my sisters new kitten and for one day, I didn't think about the labor I was not in. 
So if you're miserable and in pain and nearly every activity sounds stupid and labor pain sounds like pure joy, go find a kitten. 

I have gotten quite a few responses. Most of the responses have been about how amusing this is. But then someone posted this awesome article.

The Lie of the Estimated Due Date

So, fellow preggers, if you get to your "edd" this might make you feel better because it certainly makes me feel better.

Someone else also said that they had heard in their birth class that warm fuzzy feelings can trigger the release of oxytocin which is the hormone that causes contractions. Kittens definitely give people warm fuzzy feelings. I guess we'll see if this works!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beth, Brian saw on facebook that you had your baby. Congratulations.....I'm hoping that everything went well and that Charlotte is healthy, and you are too! Hoping that you will post your birth story soon.

    Sending lots of love via cyber space.

