Every year around this time I suddenly realize that the holidays are impending. November seems to sneak up on us every time! Perhaps it has to do with Oregon's lack of noticeable weather changes. It's a mixed bag of thoughts and feelings mostly related to wondering where the time has gone and how am I going to survive the next two months?! This year isn't much different, but I do feel as though I have a different perspective.
Typically I start to work up an impending dread of what the holidays will include. They tend to become a gas guzzling blur of driving all over the place, knitting, sewing, cooking, cleaning, rehearsing, performing, and weeks of gift shopping. This is all very strenuous on my stress level. I think this year I'm going to be able to either deal with it better or just avoid it completely.

We're living with my parents so there's one less trip. I'm also accustomed to being sleep deprived so perhaps I won't be half asleep when we visit our various relations (one of Paul's cousins likes to tease me because I always fall asleep when we visit). Paul and I have decided that instead of buying each other gifts we're just going to allow each other to buy something for ourselves that we really want but haven't been able to get. I'm getting boots. He's getting a video game. We've also set spending limits with my family that will make it much easier to shop. The ultimate confidence boost is that nothing can be more stressful and exhausting than the first month with a newborn, so Christmas should be a breeze.
I say all of this with confidence even though I want to run through my house screaming because Charlottes been grunting and restless the last hour and I'm about to lose my mind. So perhaps my hope for the holidays is a pipe dream and it will be as stressful as usual with the magnified stress of the baby to tote all over. But I can dream right?
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