The choir retreat was a bit challenging. The beds that were there were all very small and narrow bunk beds that didn't leave much headroom for the bottom bunk. I ended up getting a migraine from sleeping on the mushy padding. Charlotte seemed to enjoy the endless attention. She also seemed to enjoy the sweet potatoes I fed her. She ate the whole jar in one sitting. A couple of days before the retreat she started to discover how loud she could yell and enjoyed practicing her big girl voice while the kids sang solos. It was pretty amusing.
The last few days she's started expanding her yell into baby words. It's fun to listen to her while she's playing with her toys "bobobobo oooo oo bobo yiii!!!" She also likes to experiment with how high she can squeal. She's quite amusing.
She's also right on the verge of sitting up by herself. I can seat her with a toy on her feet and she'll stay sitting until she tries to straighten her legs or leans too far to one side. A few times I've thought she was going to fall backward and she managed to right herself. We don't have a high chair because I had expected to use the bumbo, but it looks like we'll be needing the real thing sooner than I expected.

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