Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well we finally found out! It's a girl! We plan to name her Charlotte, but we haven't decided on a middle name yet. I figure we have plenty of time to figure it out.

I think Paul's fired from making videos since you can't really see anything very well and a good chunk of the video is spent looking at the tech taking the heartbeat and then the floor. But we have pictures and we're excited!
Everything looked good as far as health goes. She's developing how she's supposed to and all the parts are there. We found out that the placenta is at the front of my uterus near my belly which explains why I haven't felt her moving yet. It also explains why my midwife has such a hard time finding the heartbeat. As far as I'm concerned I can wait to feel her. At least this way she can't wake me up at night from kicking me yet!

The ultrasound tech also validated the due date as being June 22nd. After the ultrasound I had a prenatal appointment so it was cool to be able to show them pictures and talk about it since it was fresh in my mind. They said I look good for 20 weeks and that I'm doing pretty well on taking care of myself. They said it was really important that I make sure to remember my vitamins every day now and that I get enough iron. More red meat and beets for me!

I really love going to my prenatal appointments so far. We spend most of our time chatting and telling stories. It's pretty relaxed and I feel very comfortable talking to my midwives. I think having this kind of relationship with them is really going to help make my labor and delivery go smoother. They are very reassuring and supportive and I don't feel nervous about giving birth at all. I'm sure I'll be more nervous when I get closer to my due date though but it won't be because I don't feel like I'm in capable hands.

I'm planning on doing a small amount of shopping with my sister tomorrow. I'm really excited to be able to start planning and buying things now that we know what we're having. I started this quilt and I think I'll just continue with the themes in it for all of the stuff I use. I'm going to go to the fabric store this afternoon to pick out fabric for the last 3 squares. I will probably also make a couple high chair covers, a hanging wall pocket holder, and a couple other nursery kinds of things.

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