Wednesday, June 8, 2011

38 weeks 1 day: Mad Dash to Labor

So, I know I still have two weeks before my due date. But I'm horribly uncomfortable (as I was forewarned) and I would really not mind if our baby wanted to come a little early. Actually, I wake up in the morning thinking "this could be the day I go into labor" It's still early so I'm not too discouraged yet, but I'm not going to accept this level of discomfort without a fight! So I've compiled a list of ways to naturally induce labor followed by what I've tried. Sorry if some of this is tmi.

Signs of Labor so far:
  •  a few braxton hicks contractions (my belly gets really hard), but nothing of note
  • my pelvis has been aching which is a sign that she's dropped more, my belly is also noticeably lower and I feel my center of gravity and my weight lower - it's heavy
Methods to Naturally Induce Labor:
  1. Sex - prostaglandins in semen help soften the cervix to stimulate dilation. 
    • no comment
  2. Nipple Stimulation - triggers production of oxytocin, the hormone released to cause contractions
    • I figured out how to use my breast pump today. I feel dirty. 
  3. Stripping the membranes - is when a doctor or midwife sweeps their finger around the cervical opening to loosen the amniotic sac from the uterine wall
    • my birth center doesn't do this and it's horribly painful. pass.
  4. Red raspberry leaf tea - stimulates uterine contractions, although not very strong ones
    • been drinking a few cups a day it for a couple weeks now, although today and yesterday I didn't because I need to make more. it's surprisingly delicious.
  5. Evening Primrose Oil - is an omega-6 fatty acid oil that helps soften the cervix to allow for dilation. my midwife recommends 2 pills orally from 36 weeks and one internally at 38 weeks. I'm not going to elaborate.
    • been doing this since 36 weeks.
  6. Walking/Exercise - may help the baby drop into position better
    • I've been walking a bit every day - mostly for shopping, but it's still hard! Yesterday I really pushed myself at water aerobics. This may be part of what helped her drop more. 
  7. Pineapple, Eggplant Parmesan and Spicy Foods - I think these are more wives tales, but they're supposed to stimulate labor.
    • today I ate a really spicy burrito. I have pineapple plans tomorrow. It may not do anything, but at least I really like pineapple. 
  8. Accupressure - the trigger points are in the shoulders, the back of the ankles and the webbing between the thumb and index finger
    • My massage therapist was kind enough yesterday to focus on these places (she has a three-month-old, she feels for me) I'm pretty sure this is probably what caused her to drop more. 
  9. Black/Blue Cohash - it's mostly for if you've been in labor for awhile and the contractions are still irregular. it's supposed to cause them to go into a rhythm and get more productive.
    • probably won't use this at all and if I do it will be after my due date at the instruction of my midwife. this stuff is potent!
  10. Castor Oil - is supposed to induce labor, but also cleans you out of everything. I've heard it's rather unpleasant. I hope I don't get to a point where this becomes necessary.
    • If I do this it won't be until after my due date.
  11. Swinging on a swing - gravity?
    • I was going to try this today just because it sounded amusing, but didn't get to it. 
The saga continues. 

1 comment:

  1. Those last few weeks/days are the worst! Hang in there Bethany. Before you know it, you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms. And before you know it, that baby will be six years old. :)

    I don't quite know what has happened...but I'm sorry that I am not more a part of your life. Perhaps, it's the legacy of our family. I don't know.

    But I want you to know that I do care about you. In fact, this morning you came to mind and I prayed for you and your delivery. I hope that everything goes well and that it comes soon!
