Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Teething & Hope

It seems that Charlotte is starting to teethe. Last night she took great pleasure in drooling all over my finger rather than sucking on it. So I got out her raspberry teether and she seemed pretty happy to gnaw on it. I ordered an amber teething necklace for her online so hopefully when she starts to actually feel pain it will help. Right now I think she just enjoys chewing.

I took her for cranial sacral therapy this morning. It's been recommended to me by several midwives, apprentices, and other moms. I took her to Tia Rich, who I'm sure I will be seeing more of. I was so impressed! Charlotte fussed for a bit but by the time Tia was done she was limp as a rag doll and passed out in her arms. I have never seen my baby so relaxed. Tia showed me some things I can do with Charlotte to help continue to improve her latching and growth. She told me Charlotte has a really small hard palate and that her jaw was really tense thus the difficulties with breastfeeding. She also said that she had a bunch of tension in her torso and tummy that explained the massive amounts of spit up. She's still spitting up today, but it's definitely better and she seems to have a calmer overall disposition. So worth the money. Honestly I think it would be cool if Andaluz included this feature as part of their birth package. I probably wouldn't have even noticed the extra expense and boy do I wish I'd done it sooner!

Here's a link for her website if you're at all interested.

Tia's Website

If you're not sure about spending the money on it, Carol Gray offers free workshops pretty frequently. You just have to e-mail her to sign up for a time slot. Here's her website:

Carol's Website

1 comment:

  1. WE LOVE teething necklaces! We get d'Artagnan the kind with Hazelwood and Amber. Really helped the drooling and the pain. Hazelaid.com is our favorite!

    We're starting cranial sacral soon, too. I hope we love it as much as you did.
