Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Right now my 3-week-old is passed out and making all sorts of grunts and noises in the crook of my recliner with me. It's rather cozy.
Nap time!
She was kind enough to give both of us a break last night. We slept together in the recliner, she woke up, ate, and then went straight back to sleep. I hardly remember waking up to feed her. The night before last she was awake for 6 consecutive hours. Nothing would get her to sleep and nothing would stop her fussing. Finally at around 3am Paul left me in the bed crying and took her for a drive. She fell asleep within two blocks of our apartment. So now at least we know what works for the next time she's up all night.

Today she's slept most of the day with a few feedings. Paul had to miss work to go be a witness in a trial, so he got home and took over babysitting duties. You can see that he's very devoted to the cause. I spent a good chunk of the day trying to figure out some bookkeeping software while they slept on the couch.

I really hate doing my bills and I really hate doing my budget. Our lease is up in September at our apartment and we've decided that it would be the most beneficial for us to move in with my parents for a few months. I feel like we need to really get our spending under control so that it doesn't become a waste for us to live there. We need to save!
 I started by downloading quicken. I wasn't impressed. It basically just tells me what I've already spent my money on. I don't need a program for that, I can look at my bank statement. So I'll be returning that software. Now I'm trying software called You Need a Budget. I like the interface for it, but it still doesn't do as much work for me as I'd like it to. I wish I could fuse the two programs together. I spent hours entering data into the program today only to have it all deleted when I closed it. I wish I knew how to write software. I could make millions by writing a program that I can actually use!

On another note, we've been cloth diapering for a few days and they are awesome. They are really easy to change, really easy to clean and don't leak or anything. The setup cost was rough, but it was worth not having to buy disposable diapers anymore. With our finances so tight it's nice to not have to worry about buying something for our baby to poop on! Gdiapers for the win!

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